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2. Terrestrial Riparian

The extra moisture in forest floor substrates in the vicinity of streams and rivers supports several species which are uncommon upslope. The demarcation between upland and riparian is not always sharp but the community is quite distinct in its typical manifestation. Excluded from this habitat are those species which are more definitely streamside mosses rather than forest floor mosses. Rotten log diversity is highest in this habitat. Diversity is highest where the stream valley is swampy.

Conocephalum conicum - Usually close to water. The largest thalloid liverwort of the region.

Kindbergia praelonga - Quite strictly restricted to riparian habitats, this species often dominates river terraces.

Leucolepis acanthoneura - Although most common in riparian zone, this species also occurs in uplands, sometimes on hardwood trunks.

Plagiomnium insigne - The large leaves on this moss are still only one cell thick, with thin cell walls. Being so thin, the leaves shrivel up when plants dry out.

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